Data Center Design
Data Center Design is the computerized data storage system for large scale, intended as centralized storage (consolidation)
IT infrastructure
Infrastructure Solutions typically consist of various IT components and combine them to serve specific usage scenarios.
Security System
Managing security processes with solutions designed to provide greater visibility and control for most sophisticated IT environment
Big Data
The data-driven organization best accomplishes continuous improvement and is most capable of planning for success with predictive power.
Welcome to Our Website
PT. ABBASY DIGITAL TEKNOLOGI is a private national company. We dedicate ourselves to provide products and services in telecommunication, Compute Server virtualization and data networking to cover nation wide market in Indonesia.
Best owed by unique blend of skilled people, advantageous experiences, strong partnership, and high tech communication products, PT. ABBASY DIGITAL TEKNOLOGI geared up to bring you total solution providing a complete range of design, supply, install, maintain advance networking and telecommunication solutions, and customize to meet our client’s unique objectives.
We Are Offering All Kinds of IT Solutions Services
IT Training Center
Network Infrastructure, Web Application Development, Mobile Application Development, Operating System, It Security, Data Center
IT Infrastrukture Design
Infrastructure Solutions typically consist of various IT components and combine them to serve specific usage scenarios.
Command Center Design
Updates to the control room technology have been added to the existing space without reconsidering...
Data Protection Solution
Data is the lifeblood of any organization.Factors such as digitisation, consumerisation and mobility...
IT Consultant
The role of an IT consultant is to be a technical specialist that focuses on integrating information technology...
Security System
Managing security processes with solutions designed to provide greater visibility and control...
WhatsApp 24/7
+62 821-1626-5699
Have any idea or project for in your mind call us or schedule a appointment. Our representative will reply you shortly.
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Pentingnya Keamanan Data Perusahaan dan Bagaimana Membuatnya Tetap Aman
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Apa Itu Data Center dan Bagaimana Cara Kerjanya?
Data center adalah fasilitas fisik yang digunakan perusahaan untuk menampung aplikasi dan informasi penting...
Mengenal Apa Itu Data Center dan Seluk Beluknya
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